From: Andy McCulloch [notification+mw25gxkn_at_facebookmail_dot_com]

Sent: 01 June 2015 09:17

Subject: Re: [SAVE MANSTON AIRPORT] Please vote in this poll. Its been set up by...


Andy McCulloch

Andy McCulloch

1 June 09:16

Mark. No, a referendum would be unnecessary and costly. RO wouldn't pay for it and TDC can't afford it. The people spoke on May 7th and gave TDC a mandate to pursue a CPO : it's how British democracy works. There will always be people opposed to the airport but overwhelmingly Thanet voted for the CPO; even ifvyou count the result in a PR rather than a FPTP way the majority of people voted for pro airport candidates

Comment history

Berni Elbourn

Berni Elbourn

1 June 09:07

Local support, or not the national interest can and should for Manston override. e.g. like high speed rail. TDC (with no risk at all) just need to push the CPO start button to move the focus to London and all those nationally backed resources can be unleashed.


Annie Whitehead

Annie Whitehead

1 June 08:13

No dodgy emails or people showing up at my door either!


Mark Crutchlow

Mark Crutchlow

1 June 08:11

We await our PWC report if favorable to the CPO then what would be an effective method of for once and officially getting a poll on public support or opposition to Manston. A local referendum?


Colin Faed

Colin Faed

31 May 23:12

No dodgy emails here either. I think the main risk would be the vote is rigged which can happen anyway. I made my choice and voted. I'll let you know if I regret it. I'm sure other people will make their own choices.


Philip Green

Philip Green

31 May 23:03

You won't Jennifer cos he knows full well who you are ! PvP


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Jennifer Maidman

Jennifer Maidman

30 May 12:22

Please vote in this poll. Its been set up by someone who is a self confessed anti airport person, to gauge for and against the airport. You do need to enter an email and postcode and then confirm by clicking when the confirmation email arrives. If you can't see it check your junk folder Fear not, this is just to stop people voting twice. Some pro people have said they won't vote , utterly self defeating in my view , if you don't vote don't complain when the result goes against you . In fact it's a golden opportunity to show the level of support, using a poll that cannot possibly be accused of being biased in our favour . Go vote now !